by Jolan S. Villalobos

Posted on 2021-01-15



The Covid-19 Pandemic – one of the biggest disruptor humankinds has seen so far and has brought unprecedented change. However, crises are also great opportunities to unleashed new possibilities and transformations. Companies have transitioned from the traditional workplace into the virtual workplace on short notice.

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Flattening the CURVE or Flattening the FEAR?

by Vernon M. Oro

Posted on 2020-09-28

The impact created by the COVID-19 Pandemic is unprecedented which forced the humanity as a social being to stay away from anyone. This has also overwhelmed even the advance medical technology of the developed countries and contracted the entire economy to its lowest record. Experts believed that the Flattening of the Curve is a key indicator to overcome this virus. While our government, the business organizations, the working force, and the entire local community are trying all the necessary precautionary measures to reach this benchmark, the economic recovery aspects is equally significant to be highly considered. Otherwise, it will worsen the impact to everyone which will further slowdown our recovery. Definitely we have to “Flatten the Curve” to make us free from the stigma of this virus. But is it enough to survive and move our economy back on track? Well, let me introduce to you the opposite side of the coin to further help us in overco

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Work-From-Home, A Short-Term or A Long-Term Productivity Solution?

by Vernon M. Oro

Posted on 2020-09-01



According to the 2018 study by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Philippine losses daily an estimated USD3.5B due to traffic congestion in Metro Manila. If there is no intervention to be made, the estimated loss in 2035 will be USD5.4B daily. Try to imagine that in 1 month? Believe it or not, that is more than our 2020 National Budget of P4.1T. The Build-Build-Build Program of our current government nas been a good long-term intervention not just to address this problem, but it will fuel our economy to grow and compete in the global market. But at least, we need to alloca

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